Welcome to the Beatdown- a place where we crush the wicked with heavy rockers, destroy the oppressors with a dub explosion, and take full advantage of our Music ADD.
Since it's the 30th anniversary of our favorite year in music (and 40th of our second fav... and I guess '87 had it's moments), we plan on focusing on music that was recorded and/or released then.
The intention is not to just give out free music, but to showcase tunes that may be overlooked (with an occasional classic). No need for us to over analyze- we'll let the music speak for itself. Check out the list below of the hardworking reissue labels that are keeping the music available, and if you dig the tunes, look out for them at your local independent record (e)store. Songs will be up for a limited time... download now, listen forever.
Whoa it's been a while. Is the Beatdown retired? Maybe... We'll see what comes.
For now, here's a random selection of some of my favorite tunes, mostly old and classic. These are some of the artists that have had a big influence on our band, Destroy Babylon. Enjoy.